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Happy 14th of July

liberté, égalité, fraternité & champagne

As it's Bastille Day, I thought I'd just wish all my French friends and family a Happy 14th of July. It tends to be a bit of a party here with the traditional Bal des Sapeurs Pompiers (where all the fireman have parties near their stations), and fireworks pretty much all over the country (don't miss them at the Eiffel tower this year which has been light up in blue to celebrate France's presidency of the European Union)...the famous Bastille Day parade down the Champs Elysées where France's military might is on show...and then various garden parties open to the great and good and many more besides...All over the world, French embassies open their doors to French citizens abroad...what a generous public service this country has ! So as the corks fly and the champagne flows I'll be raising my glass to liberté égalité & fraternité in the gardens of  the French consulate in Edinburgh ! Vive la veille alliance !

Ecrit par Caroline le Dimanche 13 Juillet 2008, 02:52 dans "News" Version imprimable

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