Communication, Innovation, Debate

Où on parle et échange avec une touche d' innnovation, melangé à une pincée de communication, et une once de marketing...Where we talk and share our ideas on innovation mixed with a little marketing and on ounce or two of communication

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Blandine - the communicator has spent most of her career in advertising/global communications advising international brands or companies, either in the BtoB or in BtoC arenas. 

Caroline - "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move"  (Robert Louis Stevenson, a fellow Scot)


  • Emerging markets
  • Ethics
  • Feminin values
  • Sustainable development


Octobre 2008



Archive : tous les articles

Vendredi (03/10/08)

Managing partimers in Japan

Shifters or CiFTR

On a hunt around the web for more info on Web2.0 in Japanese companies, I came across this article that I have literally picked up and pasted here...from Asiajin, a blog dealing with web services and the like in Asia. In Europe we talk about Web2.0 in companies being a frame of mind...being ready to accept CGC or EGC (employee generated content) and KM sharing...I rather think that in Japan the 2.0 Enterprise will come into existence through a 'tool' or 'IT solution' based revolution...rather than a mind based revolution...Here is a solution worth looking at proof that companies are in fact (contrary to the impression I had) taking into account the Y generation and its mobile addicts.

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Ecrit par Caroline à 18:56 dans Innovation & ideas Version imprimable

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Mardi (23/09/08)

Les Nids d'Or de Nestlé

Eating for a healthy lifestyle

Recently I attended the Nids d'Or, a sort of Oscar ceremony hosted by the Nestlé Foundation for champions of healthy living. An interesting concept that I think is worth a mention...( the idea of nest comes from part of William Blake's Mariage of Heaven and Hell' : 'the bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship'...honouring work that has been accomplished and encouraging new initiatives)
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Ecrit par Caroline à 01:55 dans Innovation & ideas Version imprimable

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Dimanche (13/07/08)

La Ville Chinoise à la Cité de l'architecture

What does it all mean ?

Yesterday I paid a visit to the newly renovated Cité de l'Architecture in Paris. An amazing rabbit warren of rooms, spaces and corridors with some interesting exhibits...but a rather puzzling approach to the temporary exhibition; at the entrance we took, the guard looked at us rather bewildered when we asked about it and said it was at the other end of the building...and we'd have to walk all the way through to buy our tickets (why we couldn't buy a ticket at that entrance remains a mystery).
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Ecrit par Caroline à 02:42 dans Innovation & ideas Version imprimable

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Dimanche (15/06/08)

Creature comforts

An eye for detail in Japan

Just a quick post from Japan where I have spent the week in and out of meetings, in and out of buildings and rediscovering the art of customer service Japan style. This country is the kingdom of comfort where no stone is left unturned in order to make the customer comfortable...wherever he may be : train, shop, street, office...
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Ecrit par Caroline à 18:49 dans Innovation & ideas Version imprimable

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