Communication, Innovation, Debate

Où on parle et échange avec une touche d' innnovation, melangé à une pincée de communication, et une once de marketing...Where we talk and share our ideas on innovation mixed with a little marketing and on ounce or two of communication

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  • Emerging markets
  • Ethics
  • Feminin values
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Blog in progress

Patience is a virtue...but is perfection ?

Just a quick post to say that we are still working on our blog image...ok yes, its taking some time but perfection is a virtue ..not always but often ! In fact that might be a subject to develop : how virtuous can you be if you are not always perfect ?

Ecrit par Blandine le Mardi 8 Juillet 2008, 21:20 dans "News" Version imprimable

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Well done Blandine !

Caroline - le 08-07-08 à 22:07 - #

Félicitation ! Well done us...we are getting there. But it's true, perfection is not necessarilly a virtue. This blog is beginning to look more like a blog and less like some kind of internet roadworks...
More to follow this space and enjoy what little content there is while you still have time to read it all ! Soon there'll be so much to read you won't know where to look !

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