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  • Feminin values
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Feminine values : a performance factor

Extracts from a conference on the impact of feminine values in tomorrow's work place

There is a fabulous book by Mike Burke that has just come out and Blandine had the chance to attend a EPWN presentation where the main themes in this book were discussed. 
"Emergence des valeurs féminines dans l'entreprise: une révolution en marche" the French title to this book. I'll let Blandine add a few watch this space.
In fact I'll chip in here. The title in English is "The silent revolution: the Emergence of Feminin Values in the Work Place . For French readers the best source of info is on the Whispered Revolution website
More to follow soon...

Ecrit par Caroline le Mardi 8 Juillet 2008, 22:14 dans "Feminine values" Version imprimable

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