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Blogs and their impact on PR

Social Media Strategy or SMS

Blandine and I have decided this blog needs a little over the next few weeks or even months we'll be trying to update, recreate, innovate and communicate ...
I picked up an interesting comment on the effect and influence blogs are having on PR. According to a survey by Arketi quoted in Francois Gossieaux blog

  • Blogs are a regular source for journalists: Over three-quarters of reporters see blogs as helpful in giving them story ideas, story angles and insight into the tone of an issue
  • Nearly 70% of all reporters check a blog list on a regular basis:
  • The majority of journalists said blogs were having a significant impact on news reporting in all areas tested - except news quality.
So this confirms that Blandine and I are going to have to work on our blogging !

But over and above that rather obvious statement, clearly media moguls and communications directors will need to take a serious look at the effect a blog may or may not have on their PR strategy. If journalists really do spend that much time on the subject it is going to be increasingly necessary to blog search, benchmark and check out what's happening in the blogosphere. A successful communications strategy will have to take into account at least a few of the most important and influential blogs out fact this is very much the case already.

The debate is a vast one but I'd be interested in any input on a successful social media strategy. Here's to the new SMS generation !

Mots-clés : , , , Technorati, , Technorati

Ecrit par Caroline le Lundi 4 Février 2008, 23:49 dans "News" Version imprimable

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