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Women, girl power...

Where is the 8th of March meant to be leading us ?

10 days after International Women's day, there I was sitting in a café reading Isabelle Juppé's latest tolken: The Digital Woman - la Femme Digitale... I once again asked myself, as I had on 8th March, what is it that pushes society into creating these occasions to "celebrate" women.

Yes, the weaker sex and all that means we're owed far more respect than the other half of the planet, but why is it that I feel ever so slightly that this kind of consideration can also back fire. So if its international women's day on 8th March, when is international men's day ???
Yes, OK I agree entirely with anyone who tells me it's an important date to consider underprivileged women in 3rd world countries and the battles many women have to make a way for themselves.
Yes, I fully support that kind of action. But isn't it just going to turn into another western world marketing ploy soon?
Retailers have already jumped on the band wagon with various special offers mushrooming around that date. In Russia, where it's really a massive date, travel companies have come up with special women's packages and Paris is often invaded by female russian tourists going for the shopping in a big way.
I'm going to try and look into it a little more because there is something about this day that makes me wonder where it's leading us. If any digital women or other, dare I even say digital men, out there have a comment or idea, I'd be delighted to read it.
In the mean time, back to the book to discover what makes digital women as opposed to digital men or digital people, so different.
Mots-clés : ,

Ecrit par Caroline le Vendredi 21 Mars 2008, 02:42 dans "News" Version imprimable

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Girl Power

Caroline - le 21-03-08 à 03:25 - #

Did anyone attend the Girl Power evening last night ?
Le rendez-vous mensuel des femmes (créatrices, actrices 3.0) et des technologies que co-organise Natacha Quester-Séméon (voir groupe sur FB).

Merci à Natacha Quester-Séméon du groupe La Femme Digitale pour l'invitation. Désolée mais je n'ai pas pu m'y rendre.  Next time maybe.

Re: Girl Power

louis vuitton monogram canvas wallet - le 25-07-10 à 11:46 - #

like e-tailer concerns and roadblocks associated with implementing live chat. In addition to dispelling some preconceived notions about live chat, it also highlights the sales and service benefits derived from a live chat implementation that incorporates best practices.”

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