Communication, Innovation, Debate

Où on parle et échange avec une touche d' innnovation, melangé à une pincée de communication, et une once de marketing...Where we talk and share our ideas on innovation mixed with a little marketing and on ounce or two of communication

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Happy New Year

Is it going to be that bad really ?

A quick post after what would appear to be a two month absence...well better late than never ! In the season of New Year about half way between Western calendar 'Happy New Years' to Chinese 'gong xi fa choi'...greetings and best wishes to anyone who happens upon this blog !

The financial crisis that tied up the end of last year is rather like a black cloud blocking the sun from many countries at the start of what has been a very very cold January in Europe. The media haven't given us any reasons to feel any warmer and the press is full of doom and gloom. I just wonder to myself how bad it is really going to get. I daren't think what the latest R word publication rate is. Should I be looking at things differently ?

What's happening in Gaza is far more disturbing and yet closer to home unemployment, company closures and worsening economic figures seem to hail a more than bearish year. And yet, ...this year is the year of the bull. So we should take heart and hope that 'it can only get better'.

Communicating positively seems to me a vital ingredient for this year if we are to make it to December. Let's try and use the internet and web 2.0 to find that silver lining around each dark cloud. If everyone sent a positive message via each social network they were part of, I'm pretty sure somebody somewhere would benefit. So make it happen, just do it, be positive !
Mots-clés : , , , , ,

Ecrit par Caroline le Mardi 13 Janvier 2009, 01:17 dans "News" Version imprimable

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