Communication, Innovation, Debate

Où on parle et échange avec une touche d' innnovation, melangé à une pincée de communication, et une once de marketing...Where we talk and share our ideas on innovation mixed with a little marketing and on ounce or two of communication

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Increase your sales

The buying cycle has changed

Communication,inovation,marketing, what is this all about if not sales,sales sales!!!

The world has changed, things have moved on. Today, success in sales is all about understanding how people make buying decisions.
Read "The 5 steps of the Buyer Decision Process" to increase your sales today.
The Buyer’s Journey a very good article from My Photo

David R Ednie
David R Ednie is President and CEO of Europe SARL. He is acknowledged as an expert in Business Execution, Sales Performance Motivation and International Sales Channels.


Mots-clés : Technorati, , Technorati

Ecrit par Blandine le Lundi 6 Juillet 2009, 11:42 dans "Trends" Version imprimable

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