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Crowdsourcing and Communities

New skills

From Kathy Harris at Gartner:

Skills and expertise required to crowdsource a challenge

  • Designing the challenge - this involves establishing rules for participation, building processes to implement rules, and moderating the process to ensure the rules are followed. Examples of rules are whether participants must acquire a user-id to participate, whether teams and individuals may offer ideas or votes, whether participation is restricted to people or teams with a certain level of credibility or reputation, and whether participants can vote as often as they like or if voting is limited.
  • Attracting a crowd — once the challenge is defined and based on the type of participants needed, it must be communicated and marketed to attract the crowd. It’s important to understand the level and type of participation needed to produce viable results and how to reach and attract those participants.
  • Determining the criteria and process for closing voting on an idea or challenge - for example, voting might be closed after specified time period or when voting reaches a specified level or when the rate of voting activity slows to a specified rate.
  • Identifying and managing risk points - examples of risk points include low participation, voting irregularities or individuals participating under multiple ids.
  • Understanding the social behaviors and interactions occurring within the crowdsourcing environment — by collecting and analyzing relationships, influence, reputation, and other social characteristics of the crowd, organizations can continually improve their crowdsourcing process and applications.

Mots-clés : Technorati, Technorati, , , Technorati

Ecrit par Blandine le Dimanche 5 Avril 2009, 18:24 dans "Internet & Intranet" Version imprimable

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