Communication, Innovation, Debate

Où on parle et échange avec une touche d' innnovation, melangé à une pincée de communication, et une once de marketing...Where we talk and share our ideas on innovation mixed with a little marketing and on ounce or two of communication

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Blandine - the communicator has spent most of her career in advertising/global communications advising international brands or companies, either in the BtoB or in BtoC arenas. 

Caroline - "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move"  (Robert Louis Stevenson, a fellow Scot)


  • Emerging markets
  • Ethics
  • Feminin values
  • Sustainable development


Juillet 2009



Archive : tous les articles

Lundi (06/07/09)

Increase your sales

The buying cycle has changed

Communication,inovation,marketing, what is this all about if not sales,sales sales!!!
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Mots-clés : Technorati, , Technorati

Ecrit par Blandine à 11:42 dans Trends Version imprimable

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Dimanche (05/04/09)

Vendredi (13/03/09)

Increase your ROI

Using the power of social business

If you want to be up to date on Social Media.
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Mots-clés : Technorati, , Technorati, Technorati

Ecrit par Blandine à 10:33 dans Internet & Intranet Version imprimable

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Dimanche (25/01/09)

Good Night and Good Luck

America today and yesterday...survival or integrity

Am watching an excellent film at the moment and it has made me think back to last week and the amazing events that took place in the US. A country where fifty years ago the current President's father wouldn't have been served in a restaurant, where Communists were hounded out of society in a wave of terror similiar, I imagine, to what Jews in Nazi Germany went through before Kristelnacht where the knives really came down.
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Mots-clés : , , , , ,

Ecrit par Caroline à 02:25 dans Media: above, below, mobile... Version imprimable

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